<![CDATA[PEERLESS POOL SERVICE - Pool Owner Tips]]>Mon, 30 Sep 2024 13:57:42 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[What to consider before remodeling your pool]]>Mon, 02 Sep 2024 05:00:00 GMThttps://peerlesspoolservice.com/pool-owner-tips/when-beauty-turns-bleakWith the almost endless list of styles, options, and designs at the ready, remodeling your pool can make it look like new and modern again. In this post, we discuss the pros and cons of pool remodeling. 

Aesthetics. Remodeling your pool can help enhance the appearance of entire backyard. Transform an old pool into a stunning backyard centerpiece with new or upgraded features and full customization. While there are many reasons why homeowners decide to remodel their pools, aesthetic improvement is usually the precipitating factor. 

Repairs and Safety Compliance. Pools can begin to develop issues such as leaks, or structural issues that require full or partial demolition to repair. Older pools built before various safety codes were enacted may require demolition as well. During a remodel these issues can be raised and remedied. 

Property Value.  Most will agree that installing a pool can increase the value of your home and make it far more attractive to potential buyers. However, sellers with an out-of-date and uninviting swimming pool may find that they're chasing potential buyers away. 

These are largely positive results of remodeling a pool but I would be remiss not to include the potential downsides... 

Costs. Remodeling a swimming pool can be a costly expense. Consider your budget and reasons for remodeling before deciding how extensive the remodel should be. For example, if your selling your home, you may choose only to replaster a stained pool rather than including other upgrades like lights, coping, and decking in your project. If you don't plan to live in the home long enough to enjoy them, don't plan any unnecessary changes.

Disruption. Once the work has begun, your backyard will be a construction site until the final cleanup stage is complete. Many times, those with furry family members who spend time roaming their backyard must be leashed while outside due to the lack of proper fencing during the remodeling process. So be sure to communicate with your contractor and plan ahead.

Maintenance. Depending on the scope of work, remodels can include new features that may require more upkeep or maintenance. For example, new plaster finishes need extra care and attention during the curing phase. Understand your obligations as a homeowner before moving forward. 

ROI. Despite the scope of work or upgrades, there is no real guarantee on the return on investment upon selling the pool property. But it can certainly be an excellent selling point. 

Whatever the reasons for remodeling a pool, there is no doubt that a properly remodeled pool from a knowledgeable and trusted contractor can bring new life into a backyard for years to come. 
<![CDATA[The Various Variables Of Variable Speed Pool Pumps]]>Mon, 05 Aug 2024 05:00:00 GMThttps://peerlesspoolservice.com/pool-owner-tips/the-various-variables-of-variable-speed-pool-pumps Picture
In the summer of 2021 the Department of Energy put into effect Dedicated Purpose Pool Pumps (DP3) regulations to modify and improve the energy efficiency of swimming pool pumps. Essentially, making any one-speed pump greater than one horsepower obsolete in the very near future. These regulations not only help lessen the strain on energy resources, they also help lessen the strain on your wallet. 

Of course, like anything, there are a few downsides to replacing your single-speed pump with a variable speed pump. For starters, the upfront cost of a variable speed pump is more expensive than a single-speed pump, which could deter some buyers. When single-speed pumps were still being manufactured and sold, the price was about half of what a variable speed pump cost. 

Another drawback some buyers may find is the complexity of controls on many variable speed pumps. The programming and pump control settings can be a tricky maze to wander through when adjusting the various settings for optimized pump performance. This can become even more complex when there are compatibility issues with existing pool equipment such as automation controls and salt chlorinators, and may require additional equipment modifications to effectively make the system fully compatible. 

If not properly sized and programmed, a variable speed pump can be oversized for a particular system setup. An oversized and not properly programmed variable speed pump can lead to decreased energy efficiency and result in less cost savings. At lower speeds the variable speed pump may not provide the necessary flow or power to run a heater, or an automatic pool cleaner, which is why programming and drive settings are crucial. 

But for every downside, there are two upsides to owning a variable speed pool pump. Energy efficiency is at the top of that list. It’s what these pumps were made for. Variable speed pumps consume less electricity than single speed pumps, which can result in significant energy savings and reduced energy bills. Over time, the savings gained from using variable speed pumps can offset the higher upfront cost of variable speed pumps. Furthermore, homeowners can be eligible for utility rebates and incentives from their energy provider. 

Variable speed pool pumps are fully customizable for various applications. Flow rates and pump speeds can be adjusted to match the pool’s circulation and filtration needs, which leads to cleaner and healthier pool water. Speed and flow can be set to obtain optimal flow for spillways and waterfalls as well. And to make your pool area a bit more enjoyable, variable speed pumps are often quieter than single-speed pumps, which will result in less disruptive equipment noise. There are many options of variable speed pump pumps to fit any pool setup perfectly. 

Using a variable speed pump will not only help keep your pool in compliance with DOE regulations, but the environmental benefits of using less energy will reduce your carbon footprint and help to conserve energy resources, which is a good thing for all of us. Variable speed pump’s ability to run at lower speeds can reduce wear and tear on the pump and motor, which can extend the pump’s lifespan, compared to a single-speed pump’s lifespan, and can save you money on replacement costs. 

<![CDATA[Summer pests make for costly winter repairs]]>Mon, 01 Jul 2024 05:00:00 GMThttps://peerlesspoolservice.com/pool-owner-tips/summer-pests-make-for-costly-winter-repairs
When the swim season hits, we tend to forget about our heaters.  I can't tell you how many late-fall season calls I've gotten about heaters not working only to find that, over the summer, rodents found it to be a fantastic place to nest.  Often entire wiring harnesses have been chewed through. Sometimes the cost of the repairs justify replacing the entire heater.  This is costly and avoidable.  

So while you're enjoying the warm weather, just go ahead and fire up that heater from time to time. That should help keep the pests away and your heater healthy for the months that you'll want to use it again.

Manufacturers have taken notice of this rodent issue and are now building their heaters to be less accessible to the various rodents who like to call pool heaters their home. One such model is the Jandy JXI heater.
Not only is it an efficient model with a comparatively small footprint, it's built in a way that lets rodents know there is and never will be any vacancies. As always, contact us for any information regarding your pool/spa heater repair or replacement. 
<![CDATA[Let's Dive Into Sanitization.]]>Mon, 03 Jun 2024 05:00:00 GMThttps://peerlesspoolservice.com/pool-owner-tips/shining-a-light-on-pool-water-sanitizersPicture
A pool without sanitation becomes a pond. Along with a functioning, well maintained filter and circulation system, sanitization is a critical aspect of keeping a clean and safe swimming pool.

Pool water sanitization is important for two reasons. First, and most important, pool water 
sanitization is essential for the health and safety of swimmers. Without sanitized water a swimming pool will become breeding grounds for pathogens that can provide swimmers with various waterborne illnesses such as digestive problems, skin infections, and respiratory issues. Nothing good to send your family and friends home with after the pool party. 

The second reason for maintaining pool water chemistry is for pool water clarity. Those weekend pool plans may be hampered when the pool water is cloudy or otherwise uninviting. A swimming pool with sparkling crystal clear water on a gloomy day is still better than a cloudy and dirty pool on a beautiful day. Those willing to dive into a pool without seeing the bottom must exercise a bit more caution when jumping in though.

Given the significance of pool water sanitization, it's great that we have various methods of sanitizing water. The most popular being the use of chlorine. It has been an effective sanitizer for many years. Chlorine works by killing algae and bacteria and breaking down organic contaminants. Chlorine comes as a tablet, in granular form, a liquid, or is generated by a salt cell in salt pools. 

An alternative to the use of chlorine is bromine. Bromine does the same work, but has a more balanced pH level than chlorine, and is better suited for warmer climates and indoor pools and spas.

For those who are looking to minimize exposure to chlorine, there are non chlorine shock treatments. One of these is the use of potassium monopersulfate, which will help to oxidize organic matter in pool water without adding chlorine. These are typically used as a supplemental treatment.

Another excellent supplement to any of the above listed sanitization methods is the use of ultraviolet light. UV pool systems like the Paramount UltraUv do a great job of disrupting organisms like algae, viruses, protozoa, and bacteria. When paired with chlorine or bromine, the UV system can help keep your water clear and inviting. 

<![CDATA[Hidden HazardĀ ]]>Mon, 06 May 2024 05:00:00 GMThttps://peerlesspoolservice.com/pool-owner-tips/hidden-hazard1
The tone of this post will be a change of pace from our previous posts.  This topic, though ominous, is an important one to discuss because awareness of it can literally save a life.

There is a hidden danger lurking at the bottom of many swimming pools and spas, one that has the power to grab ahold of a swimmer and not let go. The danger of entrapment, though rare, is one every pool owner and operator should take very seriously. 
Video produced by The ZAC Foundation.`
An entrapment occurs when a person or an object attached to a person is sucked onto a swimming pool or spa drain and becomes stuck by the drains force. A force that can exceed 300 pounds of pressure, easily trapping the swimmer underwater until they are able to escape or they drown. Adults are more likely to have the strength to escape entrapment, so this problem mainly affects children. 

One of those children was seven-year-old girl Virginia Graeme Baker. Virginia was a member of the community swim and diving team, and was swimming unassisted since the age of three. The skills and knowledge Virginia had of swimming and water safety created a sense of comfort for her and the adults enjoying the backyard festivities. Another child who had witnessed Virginia go under the water in the spa and not return to the surface brought this to the attention of Virginia's mother, Nancy. Nancy desperately tried to pull her child to the surface but could not. Two gentlemen who were there were able to pull Virginia out, breaking the drain she was stuck to in the process. Virginia could not be revived, and the cause of death was drowning by entrapment. 

This incredibly sad loss of life is only one of several caused by entrapment. Many more have been lucky enough to escape with minor to major injuries. After the death of her child, Nancy Baker fought to have laws to protect swimmers from the hazards of entrapment. The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act (VGB Act) became the law governing suction entrapment in swimming pools and spas. While there are still many pools and spas that are noncompliant with the VGB Act, pools and spas built after December 2008 were legally required to take various steps to prevent suction entrapment.

The most common cause of entrapment revolves around the drains at the bottom of the pool and spa. Drain covers must be designed in a manner that prevents entrapment and entanglement. Antivortex drain covers can be found with universal adapters and kits to retrofit onto almost any existing swimming pool and spa drain. If you’re unsure about the drain covers of your pool, or the pools you visit, it’s important to keep all swimmers away from the drain until it can be replaced. Broken or cracked drain covers should be replaced immediately and swimmers should not use a pool or spa with damaged drain covers. Have fun, enjoy the water, but always be safe.
<![CDATA[Clarifying Filtration]]>Mon, 01 Apr 2024 05:00:00 GMThttps://peerlesspoolservice.com/pool-owner-tips/clarifying-filtrationWe'd like to start today's entry with a warning:  This will not be the most exciting thing you'll read today.  Pool nerds like us do find it fascinating but we know that's not the case for the average swimming enthusiast.  But bear with us, because it is good to know how these things work and what to look out for.  If you keep reading, you'll be rewarded with adorable dog and kitty photos.  So read on, good friends!

One of the most essential elements to any swimming pool is the component that helps to filter out debris; aptly named, the filter. Filters remove fine suspended particles from the water through a screening process. As the water passes through the filtering material, or media, fine particles are collected within. The size of the particles trapped can be determined by a filter's micron rating, respectively.

Microns represent the average size openings between pieces of the filter and filter media that have potential to allow particles through. The bigger the micron number, the bigger the particles that will be allowed to pass. Most filters have micron ratings of anywhere from 3 to 20.  For perspective, a human hair is 50 microns, and the human eye cannot see anything smaller than 40 microns. 

Still with us?  Great!

Here's a puppy in a tea cup.

Sand filters have the longest time between cleanings, but the largest micron rating. Sand can remove particles as low as 20 microns. Backwashing a sand filter should be performed once a month, or when the pressure rises by 10 psi, but the sand only needs to be changed every 3-5 years. Sand filters are more commonly found in commercial applications, but are found on residential pools as well.

The cartridge filter requires no extra media installation. The cartridges themselves filter down to 5 microns and offer water clarity that surpasses that of a sand filter. This type of filter has no backwash option and should be cleaned at least twice a year. The cartridges can last anywhere from three to seven years depending on various factors. 

Made it this far?  You deserve
these playful kittens. 
The diatomaceous earth (DE) filter is the best when it comes to capturing particles. DE powder is made from the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms called diatoms. The powder acts like sand catching particles but on a much smaller scale. DE is able to trap particles as small as 3 microns, which offers the clearest water out of the three filters we’ve discussed here. DE filters require backwashing once a month or when the pressure rises by 10 psi, and a full clean and inspection at least once per year.

Regular cleaning of any filter will offer the best water clarity and pool water circulation. Cleaning the filter will wash away all the trapped debris and particles to allow a fresh start and several more months of working hard to keep your water clean.
Ah, now here's the real payoff.  Just look at that beautiful before and after.
<![CDATA[The Bright Side To LED Pool & Spa Lighting]]>Mon, 04 Mar 2024 06:00:00 GMThttps://peerlesspoolservice.com/pool-owner-tips/the-bright-side-to-led-pool-spa-lighting
The overall look and vibe of a swimming pool can completely change when the sun goes down and the lights come on. What makes this nightly event even more spectacular is when using LED color changing pool and spa lights. Properly placed color LED's can accentuate water features and create dazzling light shows. Making them both aesthetically enjoyable and functional.

Color LED pool and spa lights offer a variety of vibrant colors to choose from. They produce a medley of customized light shows that provide captivating ambiance with various speed and color transitions. All in one light! The visual scene produced by color LED pool and spa lights is only half of the full benefits they truly provide.

Benefits such as the extended lifespan of LED lights compared to incandescent lights. LED's can last up to thirty times longer than incandescent bulbs. They offer the benefit of being virtually maintenance free since there are no light bulbs to replace. Another hidden benefit to LED lighting is the significant energy efficiency they provide compared to standard pool and spa light bulbs. While the upfront cost to install LED lights is a bit higher than standard incandescent lights, the initial investment is recouped through reduced
maintenance and energy savings.

LED pool and spa lighting can transform your pool and backyard into a brilliant and dazzling display of color. To learn more about creating beauty at night with LED lighting check out
 the Jandy line of LED pool and spa lighting. 